The decision to speak….
When I began as the director of Genesis Women’s Clinic the idea of telling people that I was a woman who had suffered the trauma of abortion not once but three times was unthinkable. I was raised in the belief that sin like that would be judged and indeed it was by many people. I had begged for forgiveness from the Lord, but human beings are not always capable of such forgiveness. No one knew of my dark past except for my husband. I saw no need to bring such painful things out into the light. I believed the women of the church would not be so understanding. I took the job at Genesis willing to serve God and help women in crisis. The depth of the pro-life work I would be doing was not yet clear to me as a new director. As I approached year two, sharing pieces of my story to women in crisis became necessary over and over. How could I let them leave without sharing my own experiences?